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2.世俗時代中宗教徒的雙層反身性:以中國基督教大學生為例(Two-Layered Reflexivity of Believers in Secular Age: Religious Discours
近期歐美大學校園內出現宗教活動復現之趨勢,學生雖進入了以往 被視為世俗主義堡壘之地卻未因此棄教反而熱衷追求信仰。更引人注目 的是,仍奉行無神論、並嚴禁宗教活動的中國校園,竟也出現「大學生 宗教熱」。本文以該現象為切入點,透過參與觀察及深度訪談取得的資 料,試圖理解基督徒大學生面對各種世俗主義意識型態的衝擊下,如何 維持並調適信仰。我指出他們並非掙扎在科學與宗教的零和想像(獨尊 宗教拒斥科學,或信仰科學而拋棄宗教傳統)而是調和兩者協商出自身 認識世界的方式;在這過程中充分展現宗教徒作為行動者的雙層反身 性:首先,在校園內與非信徒日常互動層次上,他們隨對象、情境的轉 變而策略性調整論述科學、宗教與迷信之三角關係的方式,據此既能迴 避政治風險、不違逆以科學為優位的主流論述,以保持自我的體面,也 有效維持宗教認同並促進傳教。其次,宗教徒反身性還深層地展現在他 們個人主體反思上;深受實證科學及懷疑精神影響,他們透過內在對 話,檢視本身宗教經驗是否可靠,也讓主體以嶄新方式於科學定調為內 在構框的世界中,遭遇更具延展性的神聖。藉此個案研究,我們能更妥 適地理解世俗時代*中的宗教變遷,及在此過程中行動者能動性可能扮 演的角色。
關鍵詞:大學生宗教熱、中國基督教、科學與宗教、宗教經驗、反身性 * 在此世俗時代(secular age)依循著Charles Taylor(2007: 2-3)的定義,意指特定 時空下的社會環境,在其中對神聖存在的信仰不再是理所當然,而只是眾多選擇之 一,且該選擇往往面臨挑戰而需要努力解釋。
形式 Form 文字、單期
來源 Origin 台灣社會學會
關聯 Relation 台灣社會學刊第61期
英文摘要 abstract Two-Layered Reflexivity of Believers in a Secular Age: Religious Discourse and Religious Experiences among Christian College Students in China Ke-Hsien HUANG Department of Sociology National Taiwan University Abstract The recent interest in religion on European and American college campuses indicates that students are not necessarily rejecting religious values due to science education. A similar phenomenon exists in China, where atheism has always been the ruling party’s official ideology, and where oncampus religious activities are officially prohibited. Based on participant observations and interviews, I discuss how Chinese Christian college students maintain their faith within such restrictions. I found that they are not struggling in a zero-sum religion-versus-science game, but successfully reconciling the two by manifesting a two-layered religious reflexivity. When interacting with non-believers, they adjust their elaborations on relationships among science, religion and superstition to maintain a religious identity and to facilitate evangelism. Their reflexivity also manifests in subjective and introverted thinking. They examine their personal religious experiences in the spirit of science education, thus experiencing transcendence amid interstitial space in a science-inspired immanent frame.
Keywords: Christianity in China, faith of college students, reflexivity, religious experience, science and religion
創作者 Creator 黃克先(Ke-Hsien HUANG)
出版者 Publisher 台灣社會學會
貢獻者 Contributor  
權利 Right 已授權
日期 Date 2017年06月
格式 Format pdf
識別碼 Code tsa-tj-061_20170600_0001-0000-p
語言 Language 中文
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