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5.男性家暴者的諮商經驗:階級差異如何再製(How Class Distinctions Are Reproduced: Evidence from The Counselling Experienc
本文從Bourdieusian女性主義角度出發,以男性家暴諮商經驗為 例,說明男性內部的階級「差異」如何再製,以及階級權力的運作邏 輯。家暴經常被視為是「工人階級男性」才有的實踐,透過此凝視,中 產階級得以維持其優勢與正當性;但是如果「中產階級」男性被冠上家 暴的罪名,就會被認為像工人階級男性一樣無知,其原本受人尊敬的階 級特質則會因社會場域的轉移,成為讓人詬病的原因,因此這類男性會 經歷「衝突/矛盾」的權力關係。透過此分析,本文挑戰單一、刻板的 家暴男性形象,跳脫本質化的階級分析,用以解釋中產階級特質對家暴 男性既是「資產」(聲望)也是「負債」(污名),並非是定著的特 質。
關鍵詞:Bourdieusian女性主義分析、家暴男性、情緒管理、階級、性 別
形式 Form 文字、單期
來源 Origin 台灣社會學會
關聯 Relation 台灣社會學刊第55期
英文摘要 abstract How Class Distinctions Are Reproduced: Evidence from The Counselling Experiences of Male Domestic Violence Abusers Bo-Wei CHEN Department of Applied Sociology, Nanhua University Wen-hui Anna TANG Center for General Education and Department of Sociology National Sun Yat-sen University Hong-zen WANG (corresponding author) Department of Sociology, National Sun Yat-sen University Abstract Based on group observations and in-depth interviews, the authors discuss how the intersection of class and gender manifests in the counseling experiences of domestically violent Taiwanese men. The authors use a Bourdieusian feminist approach to analyze how class distinctions within gender are (re)produced and the power logics underlying such distinctions. The nature of domestically violent men is inscribed with meanings of (working) class specificity for maintaining middle-class ‘purity’. In its analysis of men’s multiple and conflicting experiences, this paper contributes to research on domestically violent men by challenging the monolithic and stereotype of male abusers. It also rejects the essentialist approach to class analysis through a relational understanding of class.
Keywords: Bourdieusian feminist analysis, emotion control, male domestic violence abuser, class, gender
創作者 Creator 陳伯偉、唐文慧、王宏仁(Bo-Wei CHEN,Wen-hui Anna TANG,Hong-zen WANG)
出版者 Publisher 台灣社會學會
貢獻者 Contributor  
權利 Right 已授權
日期 Date 2014年12月
格式 Format pdf
識別碼 Code 檔案:tsa-tj-055_20141200_0005-0000-p
語言 Language 中文
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