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3.哪一種自然才算數?新店溪河濱菜園的解離與重組(Which Nature Is Legitimate? The Dissolving and Reconstruction of Vegetable
本文以新店溪下游為例,探討水岸治理轉變下河濱農耕的興衰。18 世紀漢人拓墾開啟了新店溪岸的農業化;戰後初期,河濱菜園仍是重要 地景,納入治理體制而形成強網絡。隨著都市化與洪水整治,既有農業 網絡解離;但築堤後,底層城鄉移民在都市治理的外化之境,重組地方 蔬菜產銷的弱網絡。晚近,水岸遊憩化的新治理趨勢下,河濱農園成為 官方清除對象。農民雖有因應之道,但難以撼動新興強網絡的形構。相 較於河濱公園、生態溼地、農夫市集與花市等親近自然的正當媒介,河 濱菜園遭致污名,耕作者淪為不合時宜的主體。水岸治理實蘊藏著賦予 不同都市自然差異化評價的吸納/排除機制。
形式 Form 文字、單期
來源 Origin 台灣社會學會
關聯 Relation 台灣社會學刊第59期
英文摘要 abstract Which Nature Is Legitimate? The Dissolving and Reconstruction of Vege- table Gardens along the Xin-Dian Riverfront Heng-Ting HUANG Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University Chih-Hung WANG Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University Abstract Since the 18th century, the Xindian riverfront has been used for agricultural purposes, and during the early post-war period, a “strong network” of vegetable gardens dominated the landscape. That network dissolved due to urbanization and flood prevention projects, but lower-class rural migrants continued to grow a “weak network” of subsistence gardens outside the main river embankment. These gardens are being targeted for elimination as local government agencies make plans to use the space for recreational purposes. The farmers have taken some actions in protest, but they are clearly the weaker party in this disagreement, underscoring the idea that riverside vegetable gardens are no longer perceived as legitimate uses of riverfront spaces and wetlands. Instead, cultivators are being stigmatized for using public space for inappropriate purposes. The new realities of waterfront governance are imposing differentiated values upon different types of urban natures, resulting in clear decisions regarding their inclusion or exclusion. Keywords: waterfront agriculture, urban agriculture, urban nature, water redevelopment
創作者 Creator 黃珩婷、王志弘(Heng-Ting HUANG, Chih-Hung WANG)
出版者 Publisher 台灣社會學會
貢獻者 Contributor  
權利 Right 已授權
日期 Date 2016年6月
格式 Format pdf
識別碼 Code tsa-tj-059_20160600_0002-0000-p
語言 Language 中文
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