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3.臺灣高等教育擴張歷程中的教育權力精英分析(Academic Regime Transformation: An Analysis of Power Elites and Expanding Hig
本研究追溯當前高等教育擴張的歷史,瞭解教育權力精英在公、私 立雙元學術體制的變化。資料來源有二,一是建立公立大學校長名錄, 含背景與任期,分析不同時期校長組成與特性;第二是整理私立大學創 辦人背景資料,對不同時期特許興學的私校進行類型分析。研究發現威 權主義國家的合法性危機是促成高等教育擴張的主要動力,特別是師範 體系為主的學術官僚主義。解嚴之前公立大學校長背景多數為男性、外 省籍、留學海外、理工博士;解嚴之後,本省籍校長比例提昇、國防軍 特比例下降,理工背景、留學海外的博士較之前更掌握學術體制的權 力,教育背景博士則主導技專升格學校。在私立大學擴張方面,威權主 義國家以特許制開放黨政軍、教會與臺籍醫師精英辦學,在1960年代大 量製造專科學校,植下高等教育擴張的遠因;解嚴之後,大學成為復興 地方經濟的萬靈丹,師專改制帶動技專升格,而綜合大學開始校地擴 張,地方派系、集團企業藉辦學與地產經濟結合,深化學術資本主義。 學術官僚主義與學術資本主義交互流動與滲透,是造成當前臺灣高等教 育擴張的主因之一。
關鍵詞:教育權力精英、高等教育擴張、市場化、學術資本主義、學術 官僚主義
形式 Form 文字、單期
來源 Origin 台灣社會學會
關聯 Relation 台灣社會學刊第62期
英文摘要 abstract Academic Regime Transformation: An Analysis of Power Elites and Expanding Higher Education Po-Fen TAI Department of Sociology Fu Jen Catholic University Abstract The goal of this paper is to explain the expansion of higher education in Taiwan in terms of academic regime transformation and the power held by educational elites. To consolidate its legitimacy, the KMT controlled all decisions involving post-secondary education leadership and resource distribution. Crises associated with an authoritative state were the main drivers behind academic regime transformation, with dual regimes being created and enforced. As a result, all public university administrators were male, with Mainland Chinese roots, and with doctorates in science or engineering earned at foreign universities. After the lifting of martial law, the numbers and percentages of Taiwanese-origin university presidents increased, and the influence of military backgrounds decreased. KMT domination continues at private universities, although there are signs of increasing diversity within education power groups. In conclusion, the production of higher education in Taiwan has been altered by the intersection of academic capitalism and academic bureaucracies.
Keywords: educational power elite, higher education expansion, marketization, academic capitalism, academic bureaucracy
創作者 Creator 戴伯芬(Po-Fen TAI)
出版者 Publisher 台灣社會學會
貢獻者 Contributor  
權利 Right 已授權
日期 Date 2015年12月
格式 Format PDF
識別碼 Code tsa-tj-058_20151200_0002-0000-p
語言 Language 中文
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