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【學術演講】中研院社會所,12月4日(四),由維也納大學 Rudolf Richter教授主講,敬請踴躍出席!



項目圖標 講 題:European Families in Permanent Change: Diversity versus Modernity
項目圖標 主講人:Rudolf Richter 教授 (維也納大學)
項目圖標 時 間:103年12月04日(星期四)下午1時00 分 - 下午3時00分
項目圖標 地 點:社會所8樓802會議室 

There is no such thing as “The European Family”, and there is no trend to it as a theory of modernity might suggest. Despite proclaimed universal trends to lower fertility, higher marriage age or rising divorce rates we face a diversity of family situations in the European Nations. 
This presentation is on the diversity and an ever changing situation of the family. Differences not only occur in the data, I argue you have to take into account the economic, cultural peculiarities as well as the tradition of policies for the family in the different countries in Europe. Some results also show a reversal of the proclaimed trend: not de-institutionalization but re-institutionalization of traditional family values. 
These facts form the basis of the project Families And Societies, consisting of 25 research partners in fifteen different nations, coordinated by the University of Stockholm. Rudolf Richter and Irena Kotowska coordinate a work package on the gendered transition to parenthood, which is ongoing. It deals mainly with the fact, that after marriage we experience a traditionalization of gender roles. For instance, preliminary results of an Austrian qualitative study show the complexity of the transition process and the changing of fatherhood styles. 
The project as a whole will analyze the diversity and should offer policy suggestions. Stakeholders are involved. 
Having in mind the ambiguity of the family situation and its explanation and interpretation I am inclined to conclude: Europe has never been modern.

Rudolf Richter is Professor of Sociology at University of Vienna. He now serves as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna since 2004. He was the committee president of International Sociology, Research Committee 06-Family Research from 2006-2010, and re-elected in 2010-2014. He was the president of Austrian Sociological Association from 1990-1993. His current research focuses on public policy-social welfare policy, family studies and interpretive research methodology.
中央研究院社會學研究所 學術合作秘書
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