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中研院民族所"Mapping Counter Geographies of Colonial Moments in EA&SEA"工作坊(報名至5/14止)
題目Mapping Counter Geographies of Colonial Moments in EA&SEA



Counter-topography, as Cindy Katz suggests, can be a means for us to recognize the historical and
geographical specificities of particular places while recognizing their analytic connections to specific
material social practices. Mapping counter-topographies of colonial moments in East Asia and
Southeast Asia, we intend to trace memories of colonialism as dynamic material practices more than
a finalized product and meanwhile, to pay attention to those contested places resulting from the dynamism. 
This workshop examines the ways in which the colonial past is not past, to twist/paraphrase
David Dowenthal’s famous words, in the increased place-based archiving activities in the focused
region in the post-colonial era. We bring together cases that allow us to identify oppression that
persists and counter-practices that survive between memory preservation, eradication, circulation,
and consumption of colonial memories.




1. 事務室供應茶水咖啡,但請「自帶環保容器」。
2. 會議室內除補充水分外,禁止飲食。


[10:00-12:00 Session I]
Opening remarks by the director of the Institute of Ethnology

Presenter: Ran Zwigenberg
Hiroshima Frontiers: Planners, Orphans (and the Yakuza) at the City of Peace

Presenter: Shu-Mei Huang
Heritage of punishment and/or nostalgia in a settler-colonial city

Discussants: Shu-Li Wang and Shih-chi Mike Lan

[14:00-16:00 Session II]
Presenter: Alice Y. Tzeng
Between the Ivory City and the Philippine Villages: Architectural Expositions of Japan at the Fairs and After

Presenter: Yujie Zhu 
Local Remembering of War Memories: Comfort Women History Museum in Shanghai, China

Discussants: Shu-Mei Huang and Ran

[16:00-17:00 Discussion and QA]