徵稿資訊Call for Contributions
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敬祝 研安
《歐美研究》主編 蔡政宏 敬上
王梅香/冷戰時期跨國非共策略與美國文化宣傳:論泰國的亞洲基金會 (1954-1963)
1. 陳人豪/鄰里社會壓力與社會連結、居住安排對老年人睡眠狀況與變化之影響
2. 楊天盾、熊瑞梅、杜業榮、盧科位/社會交換視角下的信任—性別與異質性的社會資本
3. 王梅香/「新」中國報導:東京美新處譯書計畫與張愛玲《赤地之戀》、《秧歌》日譯 (1952-1956)
4. 丹・載曼/性別詞的恆定主義、脈絡主義及相對主義
3. 鄭若冰/#NotAllMen以及#NotMyPresident:道德切割的限度
1. 林一芬、吳學聖/手足影響、手足相似性及對年老父母的照顧
2. 陳宗文/社會學之眼:在馬內的《鐵路》中重新發現社會學
3. 謝寧/當代美國心理健康不平等的趨勢:性傾向的差異
4. 楊澤全、孫斐諾/歧視感如何影響健康的長期分析:性別和種族的差異
5. 陳育菁/芭芭拉・克魯格圖文作品之宰制霸權與主體自我

EurAmerica: Call for Papers
Dear Sir/Madam,
Happy New Year!
This is Cheng-Hung Tsai, the Editor-in-Chief of EurAmerica.
I cordially invite you to submit your work on sociology related to Europe and America to our journal, and to share your latest research findings with the academic community.
EurAmerica has published excellent sociology papers in the past five years. For your reference, please see the catalog/links below. These papers cover a wide range of topics on sociology related to Europe and America. They feature a significant degree of interdisciplinary focus and provide in-depth and diverse academic insights to the field.
In 2024, we look forward to receiving your valuable contributions to enrich the content of EurAmerica and further academic development. If you have any questions regarding submission, please feel free to contact us.
Cheng-Hung Tsai
Catalog/Links of EurAmerica
2022Vol. 52
Mei-Hsiang Wang, “Transnational Non-Communist Strategies and American Cultural Propaganda in the Cold War Period: On Asia Foundation in Thailand (1954-1963)”
2021Vol. 51
Min-Hsiung Huang, “Distribution of Student Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Abilities and Family Socioeconomic Status across Schools: Differences between Junior and Senior High Schools over Time and across Countries”
2020Vol. 50
1. Jen-Hao Chen, “Neighborhood Stressors and Social Integration, Living Arrangements, and Characteristics and Variabilities of Sleep in Old Age”
2. Tien-Tun Yang, Ray-May Hsung, Ye-Rong Du, and Ke-Wei Lu, “Trust from the Perspective of Social Exchange: Gender and Heterogeneous Social Capital”
3. Mei-Hsiang Wang, “Reporting on ‘China’ in a ‘Novel’ Way: Japanese Translations of Eileen Chang’s The Naked Earth and The Rice-Sprout Song in the USIS-Tokyo Book Translation Program (1952-1956)”
4. Dan Zeman, “Invariantist, Contextualist, and Relativist Accounts of Gender Terms”
5. Robin Zheng, “#NotAllMen and #NotMyPresident: The Limits of Moral Disassociation”
2019Vol. 49
1. I-Fen Lin and Hsueh-Sheng Wu, “Sibling Influences, Sibling Similarities, and Parent Care in Late Life”
2. Tzung-Wen Chen, “Oeil Sociologique—(Re-)Discovering Sociology in Manet’s Chemin de Fer
3. Ning Hsieh, “Mental Health Disparities by Sexual Orientation in the U.S.: Current Patterns and Recent Trends”
4. Tse-Chuan Yang and Feinuo Sun, “A Longitudinal Analysis of How Perceived Discrimination Gets Under the Skin: Investigating Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences”
5. Yu-Jing Chen, “Control Hegemony and Subject Self in Barbara Kruger’s Works with Pictures and Words”
To access the full articles, please visit the website of the Institute of European and American Studies: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/allQuarterly_main.aspx?QSID&lang=e
Online Submission: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/onlineSubmission.aspx