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台大亞比中心7/19-20"Transnational Families and The Second Generation in Asia"國際研討會

亞比中心7月19-20日國際研討會【Transnational Families and the Second Generation in Asia】



亞比中心很榮幸邀請到來自日本、韓國、菲律賓、美國、香港與台灣的14位學者,於7月19日與20日舉辦的"Transnational Families and the Second Generation in Asia"國際研討會中,探討亞太區域的亞際家庭經驗,並理解在這些家庭中長大的第二代如何與主流社會協商、形塑個人認同。

"Transnational Families and the Second Generation in Asia" (google.com),歡迎大家踴躍報名。


What comes to mind when you hear the terms “new immigrants” (xīn yímín) and “the (new) second generation” (xīn’èrdài)? How do these same terms differ in meanings and connotations in Taiwan now compared to 20 years ago? What do these terms signify in contemporary South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan, where intermarriages and transnational families are becoming increasingly common? Within seemingly similar yet different East Asian societies, what shared or distinct life experiences do these communities referred to by these terms have, and how do they perceive and define themselves?


To explore the experiences of transnational families in the Asia-Pacific region and understand how the second generation raised in these families negotiate and shape their personal identities in mainstream society, GARC organizes and hosts the conference “Transnational Families and the Second Generation in Asia,” held on July 19th and 20th. In this hybrid conference, distinguished scholars from Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, the United States, Hong Kong, and Taiwan have been invited to share their research and observations on the lived experiences of parents and children in transnational marriages and families in East Asia. If you are interested, please register for this event at "Transnational Families and the Second Generation in Asia" (google.com). You can see the program at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OC93z5HuGSkm19pZmdeO4pJu0uQT4F-L/view?usp=drive_link