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講者:倪雅玲 Valérie Niquet(法國戰略研究基金會高級研究員)
主持:彭保羅 Paul Jobin(中央研究院社會學研究所副研究員)
時間:2022 年 10 月 5 日(三) 19:00~20:30
地點:線上英語講座,報名成功後講座舉行前將寄送 Webex 鏈結
聯絡人:黃品學(Email: trt20160903@gmail.com)

美國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)於八月初訪台時,法國媒體上中國與台灣駐法大使的交鋒獲得關注,且法國左翼領導人梅朗雄(Jean-Luc Mélenchon)的親中聲明也在法國左翼之間激起分立的波瀾。在這次事件之外,法國公眾與政治人物對中國和台灣的認知有何轉變?台灣與「印太」事務對法國和歐洲,又有何等的重要性?此次演講中,倪雅玲(Valérie Niquet)博士將針對中國和台灣、習近平上任以來的兩岸緊張關係,以及近期烏俄戰爭對東亞地緣政治衝擊等議題,提供他的長期觀察與見解。

倪雅玲(Valérie Niquet),巴黎第一大學政治學博士暨巴黎第七大學中文高等深入研究文憑(DEA),為法國漢學家暨東亞國際政治專家,現任職法國戰略研究基金會高級研究員。曾翻譯孫子兵法法文版(L’Art de la guerre, 1988),長期關注並研究東亞,尤其是中國和台灣的國際政治與戰略。2022 年 5 月於法國出版論兩岸關係的專書Taïwan face à la Chine(暫譯:台灣面對中國威脅)。

Title: Taiwan Facing China’s Threat: Some Insights on a War-like Tension
Speaker: Valérie Niquet (Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique)
Host: Paul Jobin (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
Time: 2022.10.05 19:00~20:30
Venue: Online talk in English. Webex link sent after registration.
Registration: https://forms.gle/zf4SbfmqLPuz1nH76
Contact Person: Ms. Hung (Email: trt20160903@gmail.com)
Organizers: Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica (Asian Social Transformation in Comparative Perspective)

During the visit of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan in August, Chinese and Taiwanese ambassadors crossed words on French media, while Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s pro-China declaration stirred division in the political left. Beyond that episode, how has the perception of China and Taiwan evolved among the French public and politicians? To what extent Taiwan and the “Indo-Pacific” matter for France and Europe? For this lecture, Dr. Valérie Niquet will offer us some of her long-time observations and insights on Taiwan and China, cross-strait tensions since Xi took office, and the more recent impact of the war in Ukraine on the geopolitics of East Asia.

Dr. Valérie Niquet is a renowned expert of East Asian geopolitics and defence issues. She holds a PhD in Political Science and a master in China studies. Her early works included a French translation of Sun Tzu's Art of War (1988) and another military treaty by Sun Bin (1996). She has since then published several papers on China and Japan, and her recent book Taïwan face à la Chine (Taillandier, 2022) focuses on cross-strait tensions.