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台大社會系6/14 Time is Money?講座
題目:Time is Money? Wage Premiums and Penalties for Time-Related Occupational Demands
時間:2022年 6 月 14 日(二)12:30-14:00

Despite research linking time-related work demands to inequality, especially between men and women, the literature lacks a comprehensive analysis of wage premiums and penalties associated with differing temporal demands. Using longitudinal data and fixed-effects models that help address unobserved heterogeneity among workers, we examine how temporal constraints imposed by occupations, such as extended working hours, high pressure from deadlines, a requirement for temporal coordination, a lack of freedom to structure a workday, and irregularity of work schedules, are associated with pay. We pay special attention to how these associations differ for workers with different gender and professional statuses. Unlike prior studies, our analysis of wage return to work time separates an individual’s working hours from an occupation’s expected work time. We find pay premiums attached to the requirements for long hours and meeting frequent deadlines, but we find wage penalties for occupations that require much temporal coordination and allow little work-structuring discretion. Schedule irregularity is linked to lower pay for women but higher pay for men. Thus, differing remuneration logics appear to apply to different time-related occupational demands. The analysis also indicates that the premium for the occupation’s work-time expectation is lower for women, particularly professional and managerial women, even after considering their actual working hours. We suggest that employers’ suspicion of women’s ability to comply with their occupation’s work-time norm, which is likely more pronounced for professional and managerial women, might contribute to these results. 

喻維欣是美國加州大學洛杉磯分校社會系教授暨副系主任。她的研究領域包含社會階層、性別不平等及婚姻及家庭。她的著作曾出版在許多重要國際期刊上,如American Sociological Review、American Journal of Sociology、 Social Forces、Demography等。