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【出版消息】《歐美研究》第52卷第1出刊 EurAmerica, Vol. 52, No. 1 is now available
This issue has a total of three research articles. The authors and titles of these articles are as follows:
1. Wen-Chin Wu, “Partisanship, Ideology, Constituent Interest, and Trade Politics in American Congress: The Case of the TPP” (in Chinese)
2. Yi-Ling Lin, “Public-Private Tensions: Anne Frank’s Diary Reconsidered
3. Chong-Fuk Lau, “The Unity of Kant’s Transcendental Psychology and Metaphysics” (in Chinese)
To access the full articles, please visit the website of the Institute of European and American Studies :https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/allQuarterly_main.aspx?QSID=414https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/allQuarterly_main.aspx?QSID=414
Online Sbmission: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/onlineSubmission.aspx

Published by the Institute of European and American Studies (IEAS), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
EurAmerica is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December
If you have any questions, please contact us at euramerica@sinica.edu.tw
IEAS Website: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/