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清大社會所3/30 Wedding for the Future: Ritual, Relationships and the Elusive Quest for "Return"講座

【清華社會所系列演講 X 中國研究工作坊 】


■講題:Wedding for the Future: Ritual, Relationships and the Elusive Quest for "Return"


■日期:2022/03/30 (三)





■講   者:Nicholas Bartlett  (Assistant Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures, Barnard College, Columbia University)



This talk explores how intimate forms of labor contribute to recovery from heroin addiction in contemporary Chinese society. Starting with a detailed exploration of a wedding ceremony, I argue that attention to participants' performance of rituals in this public event make visible a more general set of opportunities and risks that people with heroin use history face as they attempt to put difficult pasts behind them. In focusing on the bride's subsequent attempts to respond to gendered expectations about her role in the family and prospects for re-starting her career as an entrepreneur, the paper shows the complicated ways that caring labor become inextricably linked to attempts to "return to society."

