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1. 李宗興/Been Here and Gone」:從美國現代舞團初登臺重構美援文化敘事
2. 侯維之/反例式哲學實驗:模態語意、理解規範與一個常態性理論
3. 林峰寧/法國近代狩獵法史:從狩獵權、狩獵許可到禁獵權

EurAmerica, Vol. 53, No. 3 is now available

This issue has a total of three research articles. The authors and titles of these articles are as follows:
1. Tsung-Hsin Lee, “‘Been Here and Gone’: Re-Narrating US-Aid Culture Through the American Modern Dance Debut in Taiwan” (in Chinese)
2. Richard Wei-Tzu Hou, “Counterexample Philosophical (Thought) Experiment: Modal Semantic Issues, Epistemic Normativity, and a Normalcy Account” (in Chinese)
3. Feng-Ning Lin, “History of Hunting Law in Modern France: From Hunting Rights, Hunting Permission to Right of Non-Hunting” (in Chinese)
To access the full articles, please visit the website of the Institute of European and American Studies: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/allQuarterly_main.aspx?QSID&lang=e
Online Submission: https://www.ea.sinica.edu.tw/onlineSubmission.aspx